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衬PTFE不锈钢电接点隔膜压力表 40bar

更新时间:2010-01-01 00:00:00
联系手机: 15910733293

德国ab 3291 pch 160-3 40bar m12


diaphragm pressure gauges
case and bayonet ring stainless steel

 case sizes100 (4")   160 (6")  

 models pch  pchoe
standard (pch) or liquid filled (pchoe)
with limit-switch contact assemblies

    this data sheet contains ordering information, minimum pressure ranges, information about the electrical connections and dimensional drawings of diaphragm pressure gauges models pch and pchoe with limit-switch contact assemblies.

    data sheet 3201 contains all important features of model pch and pchg without electrical accessories. these technical details are also valid for gauges assembled with limit-switch contacts, as far as you don't find a deviating description below. the ordering code for the liquid-filled version with limit-switch contact assemblies is oe instead of g. the filling liquid is a special oil.

    for detailed information about use and operation of mechanical,inductive, electronic and pneumatic limit-switch contact assemblies please note our general information leaflet 9000, and for further information, especially about the available make/break operations, see the data sheets for the individual models of limit-switch contact assemblies:

   mechanical                             data sheet 9100
    (standard- and magnetic contacts)
   inductive                              data sheet 9200
   electronic                             data sheet 9201
   pneumatic                              data sheet 9300


   minimum pressure ranges
    every pressure gauge needs a sufficient amount of torque the limit-switch contacts with minimized error. for this reason following miminum pressure ranges are to consider1):

    1) lower pressure ranges upon request
    2) 4 contacts for pressure gauges nominal case size 100 (4") upon request
    3) 4 contacts upon request

    pneumatic limit-switches in nom. sizes 100 (4") are only available as
single contacts.

    for pressure gauges with 3 or 4 contacts it is not always possible to set all set pointers one above the other. you should therefore always state, for which contacts resp. set pointers the opportunity to set one above the other is required, or simply point out when ordering where your set points are.

    version pch 100–2 acrylic glass or polycarbonate, all the other
    versions laminated safety glass.


   electrical connection
    a universal plug connector is standard supply for pressure gauges model pch and pchoe with standard or magnetic contacts, and a terminal box for those with inductive or electronic contacts.

    the universal plug connector resp. the terminal box is mounted on the right side of the case ("right side" from viewer's perspective when looking on the dial).
upon request pressure gauges model pch with 1, 2 or 3 standard or magnetic contacts can be supplied with a connection cable about 1 m (3 ft) long, passing through the back side of the case.

    pressure gauges with pneumatic contacts are supplied with pp or pe converters (one for each limit) mounted on the back of the case.

    when a universal plug connector resp. a terminal box or a pp/peconverter is mounted on the back of a case nominal size 100 mm (4"), the gauge cannot be supplied with a 1" blow-out.


    the precise locations of the electrical connections are shown in the dimensional drawings on the reverse side of this data sheet. others than standard locations are only available upon request at additional charges.

    the universal plug connector has 6 terminals and a ground terminal. the terminal box has 6 terminals only.

   dimensional drawings see reverse side.


   ordering information
    the ordering information of the individual gauge model (compare data sheet 3201) is extended by the
                     code letter for the contact type :
                     s, m, i, e or p
    and the          code number for the make/break operation:
                     e.g. 1, 11, 12, 2, 22, 21
    (please compare the data sheet for the limit-switch contact assembly!)

   examples: pch 160-3, 40 bar, m 12
    pchoe 100-3, -1/+9 bar, ½" npt, i 1


   case configurations, electrical connections, dimensional data and weights

    the dimensions are the same as from the basic model, except the front-to-back sizes, see table below. for the other dimensions, please see data sheet 3201.


    北威州armaturenbaugmbh 是一家拥有长年生产压力测量仪器传统的中型企业,它的前身是1903年成立的位于德国halle/saale的 august beer 公司。大约180员工为了公司的前途不断地努力工作。

        manothermbeierfeld gmbh的前身是撒克逊州的“meßgerätewerk beierfeld”。自1957年以来,这里生产工业用压力和温度测量仪器以及气体压力温度计、保护管、接触压力表、真空计, 1991年manothermbeierfeld gmbh 作为 armaturenbau gmbh 的子公司私有化。

        manothermbeierfeld gmbh 客户主要分布在德国东部、东欧、前苏联国家和中国这些地区和国家之中。
欢迎致电咨询订购德国ab 3291 pch 160-3 40bar m12 衬ptfe不锈钢电接点隔膜压力表

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